The concept of "Ordinary Mastery" is thought-provoking. It underscores the idea that we all have the potential to turn our everyday actions and professions into something remarkable by infusing them with care and dedication. Reminding us to seek beauty and artistry in the everyday.

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Yes, I think it's all about intent, and intent is very subjective - but no matter our skill levels, or the 'ordinary' circumstances we find ourselves in - we can choose the intent of mastery. This intent comes through very strongly in the genuine way you write your Coffee Times Substack - a care for well chosen words and the experience of the reader.

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Thank you for this video. Taking care of my boots has been on the to do list for about four years...one of the ultimate procrastination tasks. Now I understand why. I had no idea how to care for my boots and no materials to do it. Now I know the next step to take: find someone to shine my boots.

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Yes I can relate Lynn. I was cleaning my bike yesterday after a picking up a lot of dirt on the autumnal roads and tried to adopt the spirit of the shoe shiner - it made the laborious task slightly more purposeful and enjoyable.

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